Perencanaan Umroh

Persiapan Dana Umroh

Apakah Anda salah satu yang sudah lama berencana untuk pergi umroh namun belum terlaksana? Arkana Finance bekerjasama dengan dan Mekar untuk dapat mewujudkan mimpi Anda pergi umroh.

Konsultasi Lebih Lanjut
Paket Umroh Arkana
Simulasi Paket Umroh Arkana

Menabung Umroh Jadi Lebih Terencana

Ada 3 paket yang bisa dipilih mulai dari paket umroh 3-star, 5-star dan paket Ramadan, yang bisa dicicil setiap bulan untuk merencanakan keberangkatan umroh dalam 1 – 3 tahun ke depan. Cicilan per bulan mulai dari Rp 1 juta.

Info Lebih Lanjut



Why Arkana?


No more hassle in deciding where to invest and how much of your money. Arkana will give you recommendation according to your Cashflow budget every month, monitor your investment, and inform when you need to change the financial product to achieve your Dream Goal.


Arkana application has been registered in Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) with document no. S-98/MS.72/2019. Not only that, funds invested in Arkana is also managed by professional, experienced, and licensed investment manager and financial planner.

Minimised Risk

One of the principles in minimising investment risk is to put it in several different instruments. In Arkana, you can use various investment products, from mutual funds, stocks, to p2p lending. With various products available, Arkana can recommend you optimal investment while also minimising risk according to your profile and your Dream Goals.

Knowledge Sharing

Interested to know further about financial planning and investment? Get various tips on financial planning and investment guidance via our social media, blog, and Arkana mobile app.


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